10 Oct

Losing weight is difficult, all of us are painfully aware of this fact; however keeping the weight off is also a very challenging task. Once we lose weight, why is it that it keeps coming back? Well, the simple fact is that once we lose weight, we start taking our weight for granted and indulge ourselves again in our old “unhealthy” ways; this makes our weight yo-yo right out of control. Mentioned below are some Carrie Visintainer simple steps, that’ll help you maintain a steady weight.

Step # 1: Don’t Kid Yourself, Face the Facts:

Jumping on crash diets that promise to make you lose 10 kg in 10 days is just ignorant and impossible to maintain. Don’t put your body through such pain. Be realistic; go on diets that make you lose your weight in a natural and easy manner. Moreover, think of your new healthy eating habits as more of a lifestyle change than a diet, as the word “diet” has unconscious associations of being temporary.

Step # 2: Weight it out:

This is very important; never plan to lose too much weight in a short period of time. Be patient. Set achievable and healthy goals for your weight loss.

Step # 3: Be Part of a Club or Group

It has been found through research that hanging out with individuals who have successfully lost weight improves the odds of your successful weight loss. So, go be a part of such a club or group and improve your odds.

Step # 4: Don’t gain Weight while you’re losing Weight:

Some people think its fine, if they gain a few pounds while they’re losing weight. NEVER think like this, make losing weight a steady and consistent process. If you’re not vigilant, you’re heading straight to the yo-yoing zone.

Step # 5: Move it to lose it

Always mix in exercising with your healthy lifestyle habits, and you’ll lose weight and also keep it off and you’ll do so happily. Happily because exercising releases endorphins in your body which keep your mood feeling very pleased. So make exercise a part of your daily life.

Step # 6: The Power of Positive Thinking:

One of the most simple, easy and effective things you can do to lose weight, is to think that you CAN lose weight. Yes, being optimistic helps you a lot, where weight loss is concerned. Make use of the power of positive thinking and lose weight and keep it off with ease. Imagine and visualize yourself attaining your ideal weight, and you’ll see that day when even a run on the treadmill will look more inviting!

Make use of these 6 simple steps to lose weight and then successfully keep it off.